
Rising Evil…Rising Hatred ..Non Action!!

The hellacious times we live in and the country we inhabit

“I am proud to be an Indian.” Said this innumerable times to myself, to the world with extreme pride. There was a time when my chest used to swell with pride at the very chant of it.

Not anymore, though… crime, yes, crime, especially against women in our country that is on the rise significantly has forced to me to have a review of my thoughts on my country.

Even though I still believe that our country is a marvel in terms of the mesmerising beauty of the landscape and vast natural resources, but what spoils my mood is the obnoxious, uncouth men that unfortunately also reside in our country. They seem to have forgotten that they are born as humans, not animals (although these days even animals must be scared of mankind- given how horrifically it has evolved over time) and need to treat the opposite sex with utter respect too.

The brutal rape case of a young lady a few days ago has truly appalled me. Today she is fighting for her life at a hospital in Delhi. The only thing that was heartening to see was the case being fast-tracked & most of the men who committed this heinous crime were sent behind bars (absurd they showed no feelings of remorse even when they were being interviewed by journalists)

But why has this awakening happened after so many rapes? These should be dealt with immediately and stringent action must be taken. Everything should be done to protect the modesty of women in our country and to encourage all activities/events that have the safety of women at the core. The intemperance of the so-called “men” in our country who commit such crimes have women confined to their homes, their parents in deep concern. Absolutely preposterous!!

On the one hand, we see so many women celebrities as the harbinger of emancipation and making the country proud globally (very recently- It was the ladies that brought us our first gold at Rio Olympics 2016) and on the other, we see some women subjected to extreme cruelty, harshness. Utterly absurd!!

Vacuousness of Government

It was just another incidence of lawlessness. Just goes to show how poorly governed this country is, how archaic and demeaning the laws seem. Women have as much a right to go wherever they want to go as do the men and whatever the time maybe, even midnight AND it’s not a question of provocative dressing. It’s more about the mentality, about the way you think.. that needs to be changed!

Way Forward

An egalitarian way of living life has to be embraced. Women have been subjected to male chauvinism for long. Both genders have to be treated with equality. It was a little heartening to see that this sordid crime provoked nationwide indignation & I hope something substantial emerges out of that and the people & the government continues making sustained efforts in their endeavour to eradicate evil and the perpetrators of crime. Their transgressions cannot be ignored!!

I hope this grave issue of injustice against women is seriously taken care of. Evasive action needs to be taken if we want these sordid crimes to abet, those misdemeanour’s not overlooked which we as a country generally do!!

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