
COVID 19: The Trigger for Heightened Anxiety?

An actor par excellence and a fellow human being of almost my age died of suicide last week. Death seemed pertinent to him. I have lost sleep, in shambles with a Soul completely shaken. No, I am not exaggerating, I did not know him. But the agony and anxiety seemed familiar.

The country lost one of the most dynamic actors in the contemporary era. Dare I say intellectually superior to imbeciles out there, acting mindlessly and dishing out movies that are literally mind-numbing (such is their level of absurdity). Since he did not leave behind a suicide note, rumor (and gut feel) has it that severe depression got the better of him.

But I believe what could have triggered it is the ongoing pandemic. The novel coronavirus is proving to be catastrophic and is having a devastating effect on all aspects of human life.  The fact that we are confined to our homes with no help in sight and unable to step outside is aggravating the negative impact and proving to be detrimental as we struggle to shun negativity and rewire the brain. However, one critical aspect that I do not think people are talking about as much as they should and something that I feel deserves a special mention is- MENTAL WELLNESS. In the wake of recent events, no one can afford to undermine the massive role Covid-19 is playing in exacerbating the mental condition. Some people refrain (understandably so) from talking about it for fear of the social stigma attached to it. Also, the fact that their condition would be gravely misinterpreted and certainly slighted by some maniacs who would be quick to liken psychological pressures to insanity.

Since time immemorial I have been fascinated with conversations surrounding human psyche and mind management (the fact that I chose psychology in school did not happen just by luck but was a conscious decision). I have been working from home now for the past three months owing to the various lockdowns imposed by the Central government and while there are lots of positives to write home about including a mind management course, I wanted to confess that I am one of those who have been hit hard by it mentally.  Feelings of inadequacy and nothingness are overwhelming me. It is severely impacting my intensity. I have NO qualms in admitting it in the public domain as I am equally determined to overcome those feelings by constantly indulging in activities that will ameliorate mental health and lift my spirits.

At times I have found a mismatch between people’s words and actions. Often, they say “Share your feelings with others” so that you can relieve yourself of the mental trauma. But are you sure that friends and relatives really want to listen to you? Or do they consider you some form of negative energy adding to their woes? Sharing your grief with others can prove to be counterproductive and have unintended consequences. Sure, there are some genuine souls who will treat you as their own but going by my own experience even that number is fast dwindling. That said, one should under any circumstances never have suicidal thoughts and think of their parents who love them way beyond they can imagine, for whom they are the world.

I take pride in the fact that I am not one of those fanatics to disregard some one’s feelings. A person I knew confided in me a long time back about the mental pressures he was facing and about consulting a psychologist for healing. And I am extremely glad I encouraged him to go ahead with it and express his emotions unhindered rather than filling his mind with more self-doubt. All people need is compassion, understanding and not being pushed to the dark corridors of uncertainty and fear.

Though there are a lot of setbacks in my life and with COVID 19 worsening things, it is even more important to be mentally firm and hopeful. I am still very much an optimist, a lover of life- which is why I try to engage my mind in meaningful activities and constantly endeavor to nurture a positive mindset.  I continue to battle mental demons (negative thoughts) whenever they creep in and continue to remind myself of the significance of living life positively.  I regularly practice meditation I learned at the Art of living along with physical fitness.

Folks, Life is too big a gift from the almighty to ignore. Never allow any problem to overshadow it. There is somebody waiting for you- Your parents/Guardian. Never forget them.

Let us celebrate this precious gift of God, come what may.

HIMANSHU NEGI- A trier and a believer.

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